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Essential PQUser

image Info - To manage and assign licenses you must go to this link and submit a support request to our costumer access team.


Tier Expiration Date Account Name
{{user.current.licenseData.tierName.value}} {{user.current.licenseData.expirationDate}} {{user.current.licenseData.tenantName.value}}

Download Configuration

Configure your download preferences

Auto-populate Properties

Choose how would you like to auto-populate your Parts with properties:
image Info -  “Most Relevant properties” are the properties that are most commonly used in each Part Category. Community tier users will download all properties for each component. Upgrade to Essential tier for access to custom property mapping.

Property Mapping

Map property names for download. Learn more.
Please select a flow to use this feature


Configure your download partitions

Partitions Mapping

Map JEDEC Partitions To Your Partitions

Custom Symbols

Configure your preferences for symbol generation.

Symbol Creator

Configure your preferences for generation of your custom symbol content.

IEEE Standard - Std 315-1975 Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams

The PartQuest Symbol Creator leverages the graphical representation of Standard symbols as defined in the IEEE Standard - Std 315-1975 - Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams. You can download this standard for free at the IEEE website.

IEC Standard - 60617:2012 DB Graphical Symbols for Diagrams

The PartQuest Symbol Creator leverages the graphical representation of Standard symbols as defined in the IEC Standard - 60617:2012 DB - Graphical Symbols for Diagrams. When not available in the IEEE standard above, you can purchase this standard at the IEC website.


Standards used by PartQuest part builder wizards.

JEDEC Standard - JESD30I Descriptive Designation System for Semiconductor-device Packages

The PartQuest Footprint Wizard leverages the Package Outlines, Terminal types and Terminal Position classifications as defined in the JEDEC Standard JESD30I - Descriptive Designation System for Semiconductor-device Packages. You can download this Standard for free at the JEDEC website after registration.

JEDEC Standard - JEP30-P100 Part Model Package Guidelines for Electronic-Device Packages - XML Requirements

The PartQuest Footprint Wizard leverages the shape definitions and the terminal vertical dimensions as defined in the JEDEC Standard JEP30-P100 Part Model Package Guidelines for Electronic-Device Packages - XML Requirements. You can download this Standard for free at the JEDEC website after registration.

JEDEC Standard - JESD88F Dictionary of Terms for Solid-State Technology

The PartQuest Footprint Wizard leverages the terminology definitions as defined in the JEDEC Standard JESD88F Dictionary of Terms for Solid-State Technology. You can download this Standard for free at the JEDEC website after registration.

IPC Standard - IPC-7351B Generic Requirements for Surface Mount Design and Land Pattern Standard

The PartQuest Footprint Wizard leverages the rules defined within the IPC-7351B Generic Requirements for Surface Mount Design and Land Pattern Standard. You can purchase the standard at the IPC website.

Default Flow

Select which flow you’d like to use as the default when downloading part data.

Note: only VX.2.7 or later versions of the tool flows are supported.


Drag & Drop is supported in to the Search Window within Designer

PADS Professional

Drag & Drop is supported in to the Search Window within Designer

PADS Integrated

PADS Netlist with Databook

PADS Netlist without Databook

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